Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w obchodach 30 Rocznicy Niepodległości Ukrainy

You are welcome to participate in the celebrations of the 30th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence, which will be held on August 27, 2021 at The Museum for Intercultural Dialogue in Kielce.
The opening ceremony is scheduled for 2:00 PM
The organizers invite you to the celebration:
- Marshal of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Mayor of the City of Kielce
- Association Integration Europe - East
They have announced their participation:
- Consul General of Ukraine in Krakow
- lecturers, entrepreneurs and representatives of non-governmental organizations from Vinnitsa and Ternopil.
This event will once again be an excellent opportunity to meet the inhabitants of Kielce with a large diaspora of Ukrainians living, learning and working in our city and region.
Especially for guests from Ukraine, the Association Integration Europe-East is organizing an Information Point for Foreigners on the Market Square in Kielce.
At this point, employees of the Point will provide free advice on legalizing your stay and work.
On that day, you will also be able to take advantage of free legal and psychological advice and sign up for a Polish language course for foreigners.
All this as part of the project of the Association entitled "Świętokrzyskie - good neighborhood for the integration of foreigners INTEURO.INFO" co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund "Safe Harbor".

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