Santa Claus - a Christmas integration meeting with foreign families

A mountain of presents and children's laughter filled the hall of the Provincial Labour Office in Kielce.

Children's joy, mutual kindness and Christmas warmth filled the walls of our Provincial Labour Office in Kielce on 6 December. Dozens of Ukrainian children and their carers met Santa Claus, who came to us with a load of presents. There was sweets, attractive gifts and Christmas wishes. And all this thanks to the project 'Świętokrzyskie for еру integration and professional activation of foreigners', which we implement in partnership with, among others, the Association of Integration Europe - East in Kielce.

The presents were a gift from the organisers of the aforementioned project in Kielce and donors from Ukraine, who brought gifts from as far away as Odessa.

Thank you for the shared moments and cooperation!

Photo: WUP Kielce


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